Stations of the Cross – March 29 to April 2
During Holy Week, we will have an interactive Stations of the Cross throughout the main floor of the church. The liturgy of the ten stations comes from A Sanctified Art and Rev. T. Denise Anderson, former moderator of the Presbyterian Church(USA). The stations take approximately 20-30 minutes to go through and everything is indoor and handicapped accessible. The stations are spread out for social distancing and masks required for all participants.
Sign up for Stations of the Cross here.
The Stations of the Cross begins at the sanctuary entrance of Southminster and will be open March 29 – April 2 from 10:00-12:00 pm and 5:00-8:00 pm. You will be able to sign-up to guarantee a time slot. 2 members of the same household can sign up for the same time slot. Please put both names so we know who to expect.
We invite you to come by and prepare your minds and hearts for Good Friday and Easter Morning.
There are many ways that you can experience the Lenten season with your Southminster family– both virtually and socially distanced. Take a look at the upcoming opportunities to strengthen your faith and connect with the community. If you have any questions or want to know more about becoming a member of Southminster please reach out.
Labyrinth February 21 to April 4

Starting on the First Sunday of Lent, you are invited to come and walk the large, stone labyrinth that will be created in Southminster’s Pavilion The labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tradition that incorporates the body in prayer. Each week, there will be new instructions and prompts for you to meditate on as you walk the path inward toward the peace of God and back out into the world again. Everyone is encouraged to walk the labyrinth each week of Lent as it will be updated throughout Lent.
For more information, contact Pastor Laura ([email protected]).
The labyrinth is fully covered and open during daylight hours.
Join A Lenten Small Group
Daily and Weekly Lenten Devotionals
If you would prefer to go through the devotional on your own, we have copies of the weekly devotional booklets available for pick-up in the church office. In addition, the booklets also come with daily cards that can be used as a short daily practice throughout Lent.
During the upcoming Lenten season, Southminster is excited to provide a devotional of art, reflection, and poetry from A Sanctified Art titled, “Again and Again.” You can join a virtual small group, which is a great way to connect with members of your church family throughout this year via social distancing. Sign-up here! Please pick up Devotional booklets in the church office or mailed to you by request.
Sign-ups are open until Ash Wednesday and groups will begin meeting the first week of Lent.
You can pick-up the booklet in the church office vestibule Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Our Ash Wednesday service will be virtual this year, so please come by the church office Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to pick up a small container of ashes for your household to use during the service.
Also, there will also be an interactive service for families with young children available on Southminster’s YouTube page that can be done at any time on Ash Wednesday. For more information about the service for young children, email Josh Sweeney ([email protected]).
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, the 40 days prior to Easter (excluding Sundays) when Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual discipline. It is traditional to use burned ashes from the palm branches of the previous Palm Sunday for this service. Ash Wednesday focuses on two themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality. Finally, the ashes signify purification and sorrow for our sins. The ash cross on the forehead is an outward sign of our sorrow and repentance.
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