We Did IT!!!! I can’t believe we actually did it! Leaving the board meeting this evening, I felt so much joy for all of you. I was flooded with joy, happy tears filled my eyes and goosebumps down my arms. I think it was a mixture of emotion between the hard work that went into the planning for the presentation, knowing how long you all have waited for this moment and being so anxious about the fate of, not only the pumpkin festival, but all of our outdoor activities. Covid has done so much damage, it was so fantastic to see a victory after years of being on pause.
The Zoning Board of Washington Township could not have been more gracious in their response to our presentation and Tim Korosei, my contact throughout the process, I believe represented us well and really went to bat for us. We definitely cannot ignore Rev. Steve Schumm’s fantastic speech! Dr. Rev. Nancy Birdsong, who worked tirelessly on this project (seriously does she ever stop working?!), was so accurate when she said he has a Mr. Rogers quality about the way he speaks.
Thank you for showing up tonite. You really are there for each other and it shows.
Congratulations Southminster! And bring on October!!