The ‘Stan-Point’

A Weekly Article From Our Associate Pastor, Stan Gockel


In my first six weeks at SPC, I have been impressed by many things.  But one thing that stands out is the Intercessory Prayer Group that meets every Thursday morning at 9:30 in the chapel.  This small group of faithful members meets to pray for the needs of our congregation, community, and world.  It has been my privilege to join them since coming on staff, and I look forward to our time together every week.  We pray for the concerns that come through the prayer chain, the weekly prayer list that is shared in worship, concerns that come through the web site, and ongoing needs of our members, their family members, neighbors, and the whole world, and we always end with the Lord’s prayer.   Anyone who wants to be part of this group is welcome to join us.  Since prayer is simply conversation with God, no special expertise or training is required, just the desire to intercede for others in prayer.  Please join us if you feel called to be a part of this ministry of prayer and take comfort in knowing this group is praying for you and your needs every Thursday morning.  



Grace and Peace,

Pastor Stan