Know Thyself: Personality Testing and Me with Rev. Steve Schumm
Join Rev. Schumm in the Adult Lounge from 9-945 am for this in-depth view of The Enneagram and discover your personality type.
The Enneagram is an archetypal framework that offers in-depth insight to individuals, groups and collectives. Consisting of three Centers of intelligence, nine main Enneagram types, 18 wings, three subtypes and Triadic styles, the Enneagram offers a rich map to personal development from an open systems perspective. It does not box in people, but rather opens a pathway to self-discovery and greater personal awareness.
The Integrative Enneagram creates self-awareness and uncovers the patterns of behaviour that sub-consciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. When we make these patterns and motivations conscious, we are able to transcend them and develop richer, more supportive ways of being. Working with the Enneagram empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own behaviours and growth, from a greater understanding of why they act and react the way they do.
As a framework, the Enneagram also speaks to the journey of integration and development in a profound way. It is able to uncover the uniqueness of each individual and his/her journey. It does not only reveal what holds an individual back, but also offers insights into the journey towards strength and liberation, connecting us to our strengths and higher selves.
The Enneagram is, therefore, a sense-making tool or a framework that enables the development of self-knowledge and meta-awareness*.
Coffee & Conversation
A great opportunity to meet with others over coffee in the Coffee Corner Sunday mornings 9-9:45 am and again from 11:15-12:15 pm. A list of prompts will be provided to spark relevant discussions.
Children’s Sunday School – Shine: Living in God’s Light
Shine: Living in God’s Light is a dynamic Sunday school curriculum that engages Christian communities and families in their life together.
Shine . . .
- calls children to experience the transforming power of God’s love and shine God’s light in the world;
- nurtures trust in God and invites children to follow Jesus;
- encourages imaginative, interactive biblical storytelling;
- explores the meaning of the Bible within the gathered community;
- cultivates the inner life of the Spirit through spiritual practices;
- expresses faith through lives of compassionate peacemaking and service.
After Worship Playtime in the CFC 11:15-12:15 pm
Children love to play! This supervised time will allow parents to attend an 11:15 class while their kids are learning through play.
Confirmation 2022 Grades 8-12 in The Ark Room 11:15-12:15
The Confirmation Curriculum for the PC(USA)
Big God Big Questions, based on the findings of the Confirmation Project, is focused on preparing youth to authentically answer the questions they are asked when they join the church:
• Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce
evil and its power in the world?
• Who is your Lord and Savior?
• Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple obeying his word and showing his love?
• Will you devote yourself to the church’s teaching and fellowship, to the breaking
of bread and the prayers?
Big God Big Questions equips confirmands to study scripture, tradition of the Christian tradition, and your congregation, to tell their own story.
Adult Book Study “Faith and Politics in a World Gone Awry” Sunday Mornings 11:15-12:15 with Steve Davis and Thursdays with Gay Amos 10:30 – 11:30 am
Join us at Southminster Presbyterian, as we read and discuss “Faith and Politics in a World Gone Awry” by Stephen W. Plunkett.
This book examines how faith affects everything that disciples of Jesus Christ think, do and are, including the way we participate in the politics of our community, state and nation.
Classes studying this stimulating book will be meet on Sunday and Thursday mornings this fall beginning September 11; you are free to choose the day which best fits your schedule.
Steve Davis, of Southminster Presbyterian will facilitate the Sunday morning class; Gay Amos, also of Southminster Presbyterian will facilitate the Thursday morning class.
If you have ever wondered about the relationship between your faith and what’s happening in politics of our nation and world, this class is for you!
Fall Class Leaders
Rev. Steve Schumm
Associate Pastor
Josh Sweeny
Director of Children and Youth Ministries
Gay Amos
Learning Resource Center Volunteer