Earl’s Circle for 2024
December 29, 2024
Southminster’s Bell Choir and Earl are looking to you to help ring in 2025. The Bell Choir can always use more hands so consider joining this dedicated ensemble as a New Year’s resolution. Earl would help but he couldn’t find any gloves to fit his little paws. Happy New Year to all from the characters at Southminster.

December 22, 2024
This is the fourth Sunday in Advent when we focus on the feeling of Love – the love that God has for us by gifting us eternal and real love in the form of a baby. Because of this, we are challenged to reflect the light of His love by showing grace, kindness, and compassion to all of those that we encounter in our church, our communities, and the w-Earl-d beyond.

December 15, 2024
In the third week of Advent our thoughts turn to Joy. Using our sense of sight, there are many visuals around us during this season that bring us joy. It could be the lights in the neighborhood, the joy on someone’s face when they open a gift, or simply family and friends gathered around a table. Let’s use these scenes to have joy in our hearts as we prepare for His coming.

December 8, 2024
We are now in the second week of Advent when the focus is on Peace. As we work to keep our senses during the Christmas season, we often turn to the beautiful sounds of music. It could come from a child’s school performance, the radio, or a hammered dulcimer at church. Oh come all you faithful to listen to the accomplished performances from Matthew Dickerson and his student Matt Ewe.

December 1, 2024
It is the season of Advent – the time of preparation for Christ’s arrival. We can become overwhelmed with this preparation causing us to lose our senses. During this time, Earl and his friends will share their tips for Keeping Our Senses During Advent. The first Sunday in Advent focuses on Hope. When you are rolling out the dough or munching on a cookie, remember that we have the hope of the sweet taste of Christ’s coming.

November 17, 2024
Earl is fanning out the blessings for which he is thanking God this Thanksgiving. There are so many! Seasonal trivia – the little red thing that hangs under a turkey’s chin is called a wattle. So, wattle be on your grateful list this year?

November 10, 2024
The theme for this year’s Southminster Women’s Retreat was “Unwrap Your Heart: Keeping Jesus at the Center of Your Holidays.” Stephanie L. Jones and Karen Johnson shared their thoughts on how to find peace, joy, and purpose during the holiday season. Earl and The Lambinators show their take on the retreat.

November 3, 2024
All Saints Day is the day to especially remember the people we have had a connection to here on earth, but they are no longer with us in person. To remind us of the time we had with them, we keep cherished items such as pictures, recipes, tickets, and souvenirs. For some people, a cardinal is seen as a loved one visiting from Heaven. And we all know “every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.”

October 27, 2024
The season of Halloween brings costumes and treats. Remember that no matter what disguise you wear, God knows who you are underneath and loves you just as you are. That is the real treat for us all year long.

October 13, 2024
The seeds planted back in the spring are now yielding their fruits. For example, this pumpkin was grown in the Southminster pavilion garden on a plant from a pumpkin used at last year’s Pumpkin Festival. What has grown in the garden of your heart this summer?

October 6, 2024
We are celebrating World Communion Sunday. This is a day to remember our oneness in Christ with all our brothers and sisters around the world. We want to welcome all to His table.

September 22, 2024
This is BIG news! Weight for it . . . There is no way to measure the Eternal And Real Love that God has for each of us. Let’s allow that thought to lift us up every day with praise and thanksgiving.

September 8, 2024
Can’t find Earl? Perhaps he is at one of Southminster’s mission projects during The Church Has Left The Building. This is the Sunday morning when the regular worship service is replaced with many service projects that assist the local and world communities. Make sure you sign-up to be a part of this wonderful Southminster activity.

September 1, 2024
It is Labor Day weekend. Many of us will be cooking or eating outside – including Earl and Ant Laura. This is a great time to remember Who really fuels our souls and provides the beauty of nature around us.

August 25, 2024
This Sunday is Blessing of the Backpacks and the theme is God’s Got Your Back. It is also a great time to remember that God is there for all parts of all of us anytime, not just when we are wearing backpacks.

August 11, 2024
What treasures God has given to us on the sands of our lives! Some of them are easy to find while others require a map. Look closely at your own map to discover where your treasures can be found.

July 28, 2024
Dear Lord,
Please bless all athletes that have worked so hard to be able to come together to compete in sports. Let them do their best and keep them safe from injury. Also bless the participating nations as we come together for a common purpose. Although we walk behind different flags, no one walks alone.
With hope and peace,
Your Olympic Followers

July 14, 2024
Need something to guide you as you navigate the waters of summer? To lift your spirits, try reading The Gospels to find all of the references to water and how these buoys can provide direction for your life.

July 4, 2024
This Independence Day gets started with a Happy Bird Dave USA salute to our flag. The rest of the gang is wearing their best colors to celebrate the holiday.

June 23, 2024
It is officially summer and the thermometer agrees. While it is hot outside, you will find that the cool people of Southminster will always provide a welcoming place to be refreshed by a great message and a friendly environment.

June 16, 2024
It’s Father’s Day! Dads come in all forms and are special year-round. Earl and friends wanted to show you some of their favorite activities to do with their Dads.

June 9, 2024
Life can be busy and a little squirrelly at times. Perhaps you missed Earl and friends either in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings or on Facebook or Instagram. Did you know you can always find them hanging out on Southminster’s home page at www.sminster.com in Earl’s Circle. Make sure you also check out the interesting events and programs that are happening at Southminster Presbyterian Church.

June 2, 2024
For many of the students their summer break is ready to start. Southminster wants to send them off on whatever adventures they may have with our prayers. We hope they have a meaningful time full of Faith, Fun, and Flipflops.

May 26, 2024
Earl and The Lambinators understand why we celebrate Memorial Day. It is about the men and women who gave their lives for our lives. So, when you jump in that pool, remember the tears of their families. When you fire up that grill, remember their bravery. When you sit around the picnic table, remember that what we have is because of what they gave.

May 19, 2024
It is Pentecost Sunday! This is considered the birthday of the church when the Holy Spirit descended on the 50th day after Easter. Earl, The Window, and happy bird Dave are wearing their red hats to represent the joy and fire of the Holy Spirit. Happy bird Dave is warming up for his liturgical dance entitled Spirit on the Wing.

May 5, 2024
It is Heritage Sunday – a day to celebrate the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterians and our own individual heritage. Earl and friends wear their finest tartans and listen for the bagpipes and drums. So exciting!

April 28, 2024
The hard work of the Class of 2024 graduates is being recognized today. Join in the celebration and congratulate these people on their accomplishments.

April 21, 2024
Did you know that the Fellowship Team and other volunteers (always need more!) provide coffee, tea, and treats on Sunday mornings? What a great way to spring in and meet others at Southminster! Come join us in person or via the livestream with your own cup at home.

April 14, 2024
If you are hearing a joyful noise, it could be this ensemble from Southminster. Earl and The Lambinators would like to recognize the many performers who are gathered in Dayton, Ohio for the World Winter Guard Championships. This is truly the body of Christ in musical action and we welcome everyone here.

April 8, 2024
With protected eyes turned toward Heaven, Earl and friends are ready for the Solar Eclipse of 2024. Even so, they have something in their lives that shines brighter every day and every night.

March 31, 2024
It is finally Easter! Earl is ready to share the results of his Lenten garden with everyone else by putting his flowers on the cross for all of the world to see. Are you also ready to celebrate this glorious Easter Day and put your beautiful faith flowers on display?

March 24, 2024
After all of the work during his Lenten preparations, Earl finally has had real growth and blossoms! He is so proud, but he knows his work is not yet done. His garden still needs to be tended and he has the tools to do it – Love, Prayer, and Kindness.
Can you find Jesus in this scene?

March 17, 2024
Earl and Ewenice are looking very closely for changes coming from the soil. It has been hard to wait but they are now starting to see the faith that starts as small as seeds being to grow.
Can you find Jesus in this scene?

March 10, 2024
Earl has planted the seeds and now it is time to wait. There will be growth of roots and stems, but he can’t see it yet. He is working to build his faith with patience.
Can you find Jesus in this scene?

March 3, 2024
After preparing the soil, it is now time to plant the seeds. Don’t forget that your faith is needed to turn the tiny seeds into new plant life.
Can you find Jesus in this scene?

February 25, 2024
Earl is continuing his Lenten checklist series to grow with Christ. After digging deep last week, he is working to remove obstacles that prevent him from growing in his faith.
Can you find “Jesus” in this scene.

February 18, 2024
Earl is starting his Lenten checklist series to grow with Christ. Each week he will share what is on his to-do list.
See if you can find “Jesus” in this scene.

February 11, 2024
This is Scout Sunday. Earl is celebrating his Squirrel Scout troop by showing off his grandfather’s sash of merit badges.

February 4, 2024
Today was Southminster’s Annual Congregation Meeting. Interestingly, Earl thought it was going to be an Ant Ewe L meeting so he invited Ant Laura, Ewenice, and one of his favorite letters.

January 28, 2024
Today was the Sunday to install the Deacons and Elders into their respective offices.

January 21, 2024
Did you know that January 21 is officially Squirrel Appreciation Day? Earl and his friends did!

January 14, 2024
Earl and friends enjoy a game of Scrabble at Southminster.

January 7, 2024
The magi traveled far with their gifts and wanted everyone to join in the Epiphany celebration. Earl misheard what their crowns represented. He thought it was for a Goal, a Frank in a sense (since it looked like a hotdog), and a Purr. At least he correctly understood what was in the manger.