Dear Members of Southminster, 

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who participated in the “Church Has Left the Building” mission. Your dedication and support have made a significant impact on our community, and we want to celebrate the successes of the projects with you.

In the community, teams went above and beyond, from yard and building clean-up to providing meals for those in need. Whether it was The Castle, Linda Vista, Ronald McDonald House, or House of Bread, your efforts touched the lives of many. Your kindness also reached Chevy Chase Apartments through the Blessing Box installation.

Inside our building, volunteers tirelessly prepared mailings, assembled casseroles, and stitched blankets and dresses for those in need. Your commitment to projects like “Crayons to Classrooms” showcased your dedication to local school children. The assembly of Blessing Bags demonstrates your ongoing care for our community. 

We cannot thank you enough for the countless hours and resources you dedicated to extending God’s love to those around us. Your selflessness and compassion have made a meaningful difference, and we are truly grateful for your participation in “Church Has Left the Building.”

With sincere appreciation,

The Mission Team